Common Math Course Prerequisites and GUR Descriptions

The table below provides information about some WWU Math courses. It lists the course prerequisite; if the course fulfills the Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning (QSR) General University Requirement (GUR) partially, completely or not at all; a brief catalog description and if the course provides a prerequisite for another WWU Math course.

WWU Course Prerequisite QSR Status: Description: Notes and serves as a prerequisite for:
Math 099: Introductory Algebra (5 credits for financial aid purposes) None Does not fulfill any portion of the QSR Gain skills working with algebraic expressions and equations in order to prepare for Math 107, 108, 111 or 112. Math 107, 108, 111 or 112.
Math 107: Mathematical Reasoning and Its Applications (4) Math 099 or MPA 25 or higher Partially fulfills QSR Reading quantitative information, reasoning, personal finance, data display and summary, assessing risk; quantitative decisions. Math 107 does not serve as a prerequisite for any further math courses.
Math 108: Mathematical Applications and Reasoning (4) Math 099 or MPA 25 or higher Partially fulfills QSR Assessing quantitative information; dimensional analysis and proportional reasoning; simple mathematical models; graphical representations; geometry; voting. Math 108 does not serve as a prerequisite for any further math courses.
Math 109:
Support Topics for Math 112 (2)
MPA 30-34;
Co-requisite Math 112
Does not fulfill any portion of the QSR Support for success in Math 112, with a focus on algebraic concepts, skills and reasoning, and using external resources. Intended for students with a STEM or Business interest. Math 109 is not a prerequisite for any courses. It supports successful completion of Math 112.
Math 111: Functions and Algebraic Methods for Teachers (5) Math 099 MPA 30 or higher Does not fulfill any portion of the QSR For preservice elementary teachers; algebraic problem solving and modeling; linear, quadratic and exponential functions and inequalities. Math 371, 381 This course must be passed with a C or higher to serve as a prerequisite. Math 111 does not serve as a prerequisite for math courses other than 371 or 381.
Math 112: Functions and Algebraic Methods (5) Math 099 MPA 35 or higher Partially fulfills QSR Pattern recognition and generalization, building mathematical models & problem solving are emphasized. Math 114, 156, 160, 240, 371, 381 This course must be passed with a C– or higher to serve as a prerequisite. Math 371 or 381 requires a C or higher.
Math 114: Precalculus I (5) Math 112 MPA 55 or higher QSR in full Data analysis, functions as mathematical models, functions and their graphs. Math 115, 157 This course must be passed with a C– or higher to serve as a prerequisite.
Math 115: Precalculus II (5) Math 114 only QSR in full Data analysis, modeling, trigonometry, inverse functions. Math 124 This course must be passed with a C– or higher to serve as a prerequisite.
Math 118: Accelerated Precalculus (5) MPA 70 or higher QSR in full Functions as mathematical models, functions and their graphs, inverse functions, trigonometry. Math 124, 157 This course must be passed with a C– or higher to serve as a prerequisite.
Math 124: Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (5) Math 115 or 118 or MPA 80 or higher, or final college course in precalculus (PC2) with C+ or better, or suitable AP Calculus score QSR in full Average and instantaneous rates of change, interpretation, computation and application of derivatives to optimization, rates, graphing & antiderivative problems. Math 125 This course must be passed with a C– or higher to serve as a prerequisite. May be used as a substitute for Math 157.
Math 125: Calculus and Analytic Geometry II Math 124 or Math 134, or suitable AP Calculus score QSR previously fulfilled The definite integral, techniques of integration, applications including area and volume, growth and decay, introduction to differential equations. Math 204, 224, 226, 302, 341, 360 This course must be passed with a C- or higher to serve as a prerequisite.
Math 138: Accelerated Calculus Suitable AP Calculus score QSR previously fulfilled A study of selected topics in single variable calculus from a deeper conceptual perspective, for students already familiar with its computational aspects. Math 204, 224, 226, 302, 341, 360 This course must be passed with a C- or higher to serve as a prerequisite.
Math 156: Algebra with Applications to Business & Economics (4) Math 112 MPA 55 or higher QSR in full Equations and inequalities, graphs and functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, business applications. Math 157 This course must be passed with a C– or higher to serve as a prerequisite.
Math 157: Calculus with Applications to Business & Economics (4) Math 114 or 118 or 156, MPA 65 or higher, or college precalculus 1 (PC1) course with C+ or better QSR in full Limits, rates of change, partial differentiation, graphs and optimization, integration, business applications. May not be used as a substitute for Math 124. Math 124 or AP Calculus score of 3, 4 or 5 fulfills Math 157. Math 157 does not serve as a prerequisite for further math.
Math 160: Mathematics and Art (4) Math 112 MPA 55 or higher QSR in full Investigation of connections between mathematics, art and design with emphasis on mathematical inquiry and discovery. Math 160 does not serve as a prerequisite for any further math courses.
Math 224: Multivariable Calculus and Geometry I Math 125 or Math 135, or Math 138 or suitable AP Calculus score QSR previously fulfilled Coordinate systems, curves and vectors in the plane and in space, partial derivatives, applications including optimization and motion, multiple integrals. Seek advising for next math course selection.
Math 240: Introduction to Statistics (4) Math 112, MPA 35 or higher, or college precalculus 1 (PC1) course with C+ or better QSR in full Descriptive statistics, basic ideas of probability, normal distribution, sampling, and more. Math 240 does not serve as a prerequisite for any further math courses.